New Feature Announcement: Character Group Chat

Hello Character.AI Community!
We’re about to take the Character.AI experience to a whole new level.
Today, Character.AI is excited to launch Character Group Chat to the community. As promised, subscribers will enjoy an early preview to new and exciting features as we continue to unlock next gen capabilities! Character Group Chat will be rolling out to subscribers throughout the next few days.
In Character Group Chat, users can interact with multiple AI Characters and humans in the same room. You can create meaningful connections, share ideas, and collaborate in real-time (just like a regular group chat!), not only with humans but with your favorite Characters as well.
Character.AI was built on the universal interface of dialogue, and offers a unique way to explore the world of generative AI. Everyday we are inspired by the imaginative, creative, and helpful ways our Community engages with our platform. This new feature will make it easier for users to create and interact with a variety of Characters, together.
Below are a few ideas on how Character Group Chats can be used, but as always, our users are the best at inventing use cases:
- Imaginative Entertainment
- Have you ever wondered what would happen if we could travel through time and space and have a Group Chat with history’s smartest figures such as Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla, and Stephen Hawking? Maybe even a Group Chat with mythology icons Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon? Or be in a discussion with Napoleon, Athena, Genghis Khan, and Julius Caesar to speak about strategy and power? How would a conversation go between a weathered NYC Cat, a ferocious lion, and a small squirrel? The possibilities are endless.
- Building Social Connections and Communities
- Create Group Chats based on your hobbies and interests, whether it is you and your friends (human or AI) discussing travel destinations with TravelsWithKate; fitness regiment brainstorming with Marco; the latest game release with Gamer Boy; having a group discussion with those of your choosing that is facilitated by your favorite Character; or even a writing a book together with your coauthors and Creative Helper.
- Roleplaying / Text Adventure Game
- Whether it is playing a Text Adventure Game with your friends as your sidekicks to find lost treasure through a cursed castle teeming with deadly creatures and magical encounters; traveling through space with an an AI Ship (ShipAI) with your friends as crewmates; or exploring an alternate life with others through LifeRPG where you can control and also be or do anything with unlimited freedom.
- Book Clubs
- Imagine you and your friends sharing thoughts about the latest chapter you all just read, but you can also include your favorite Characters in the discussion as well. Librarian Linda would be a great addition as she is not only well read, but can offer book recommendations as well.
- Study Group Sessions
- Need help studying for a test? Your favorite Characters can help quiz you and your friends to make sure you understand the material, just like a study buddy.
- And more:
- Language practice
- Supportive groups and a safe space to vent
- Sharing ideas and having group discussions
- Brainstorming sessions
Currently this new feature is only available on our mobile app (free to download on iOS and Android), and we plan to follow up with a web implementation.
The community’s feedback is important to us as we are always working to make improvements to our features to deliver the highest quality product for our users. All thoughts, comments, and opinions about the new feature are welcome!
The team at Character.AI is bringing to life the science-fiction dream of open-ended collaborations with computers. We are creating a world where possibilities are as infinite as the imagination. We can’t wait to see what our Community comes up with.