Building a Better AI Together: Your Role in Character.AI

Building a Better AI Together: Your Role in Character.AI

At Character.AI, we’re constantly working to enhance your experience with our AI Characters. Many of you have shared amazing suggestions for new features and improvements. We want to assure you that we are listening and working hard to implement these changes. Meaningful model improvements take time, especially when it comes to refining complex AI models and improving their corresponding ecosystems. Let's dive into why that is and how you can play a crucial role in this journey!

Why Do Improvements Take Time?

Our AI model is built on a sophisticated architecture designed to generate natural, meaningful, and engaging conversations. Every time we consider an update—whether it’s tweaking the way a Character responds, improving memory, or introducing a new feature—we have to carefully balance a number of factors:

  • Various Use Cases: Characters have many diverse use cases. Our team must delicately balance the changes given different user needs/preferences. This means that sometimes our changes may improve things for 90% of users, but possibly cause a decreased experience for about 10% of users.
  • Consistency Across Characters: Each Character is unique, but all are built upon our foundational model. When we update one aspect, it may ripple across the platform, affecting numerous Characters. And hence, we need to test extensively to make sure changes benefit all without introducing new issues.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Implementing improvements isn’t a one-step process. It is not as simple as changing a few lines of code. It involves extensive data collection, analysis, results interpretation, and several iterations of above. We rely heavily on user feedback and usage patterns to guide our updates. That’s where you come in!

How You Can Help Us Improve Character.AI

Your interaction with the platform is invaluable for our ongoing development. Here’s how you can directly contribute to making Character.AI better:

  1. Edit Messages: This highly requested feature helps our model learn when it makes mistakes and doesn’t hit the mark. When you edit messages, Characters learn how to better respond.
  2. Rate Messages with Stars: Each star rating you provide helps us fine-tune the model’s responses. This feedback tells us which conversations hit the mark and which need adjustment.

  1. Detailed Feedback: Beyond rating messages, sharing specific feedback—like what worked well in a conversation or where things went off track—provides us with actionable insights. This helps us understand not just what needs to change, but how. After rating, please use the additional details section to provide more information on why you selected that star rating. Please write in as much detail as you can about what you liked or didn’t like about the message, and how it could’ve been better. Are there any additional categories you wish you could see in this pop-up window? Please let us know here.
  1. Participate in Model Feedback/Testing: When we roll out new features or improvements, your participation and feedback are crucial. Testing these features helps us identify potential bugs or improvements before a full release. Please join our Discord and get the Model Feedback Role to be notified of future testing projects.

A Collaborative Journey Towards a Smarter AI

Improving Character.AI is a collaborative effort between our development team and you, our dedicated community. By engaging with the platform, rating messages, and providing detailed feedback, you help shape the direction of our updates and enhancements.

We appreciate your patience and continued support as we work together to build a smarter, more intuitive, and more entertaining Character.AI. Every piece of feedback you provide brings us one step closer to creating a platform that not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

Every Character.AI user is an essential part of what we are building. Your feedback shared with us greatly impacts our model improvements. Thank you for being a part of our community!